S - 16oz. coke
L - 2 mini jalapeno burgers (5oz.) w/2tbs. A-1 sauce
S - 1 cheese stick, 1 fruit popsicle, 12oz. milk (2%)
S#2 - sliver of frosted chocolate chip cookie cake!
D - 3oz. cod, 1 sweet potato w/1tbs. butter & heavy cream (maybe some maple syrup, but hopefully I'll like them enough without) XXX 1 pork chop, sweet potatoes same as above (no maple syrup), 1c. peas
S - 1c. grapes
Carbs = 243g (43%)
Fat = 88g (37%)
Protein = 113g (20%)
Calories = 2,153
Doing good today, or at least that's the plan! ---- plan backfired when a cookie cake three times the size of my head was delivered to the house:). Had a small sliver, but still. Also, didn't feel like fish, so made pork chops instead (hubby will appreciate this!).
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