S - 20 R/S almonds, 1 apple
L - 1 chicken leg, 30 pistachios, 2tsp. peanut butter
S - 20 oz. latte (+ 2 equals), 1/4c. raisins
D - 2c. beef roast w/ carrots, onions & sweet potatoes (delicious!)
S - 20oz. latte (+ 1 equal), 6 strawberries
Carbs = 125.5g
I'm having a hard time keeping my carbs low lately. Especially since I'm at home most of the day. I'm actually kind of looking forward to fall, when the fruits won't be so delectable and tempting:).
Hopefully I'll be out of the house for most of tomorrow, so this should help. When I'm home, I always feel "snacky". Going crazy with the lattes lately, as well. I figured out how to make them at home... which means I'm in trouble:).
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