(*seriously nauseated from about 9am on... ugh)
L - 1c. butternut squash soup, 1/2 chicken breast, 30 pecan halves
S - 1 cherry pie larabar, 1 apple, 20oz. black coffee --attack of the munchies around 3pm.
D - 8oz. salmon, 1c. brussel sprouts, 30 R/S almonds
S - 1 apple
Carbs = 102g
Fat = 127g
Protein = 113g
Calories = 2,017
Feeling like crap today, not sure if it's the weather (it's overcast here) or what. Also had a horrible case of the munchies early afternoon & evening. Really wanted to go for something sweet!! :) Overate on fruit & nuts instead, better than the alternative, right?
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