B - 20oz. black coffee, 2 fried eggs, 2 slices applewood bacon
S - 1 PB Cookie Larabar
L - 1/2 chicken breast, 2c. roasted brussel sprouts, 1 granny smith apple
D - 1 pork chop (molasses & coffee marinade), 30 pecan halves, 12oz. black coffee (leftover from marinade)
+ a few glasses of red wine
Carbs = 101g
Fat = 99g
Protein = 88g
Calories = 1,951

Picked up our half a hog today. The chest freezer is now full of yummy pork for me to cook up! I also have a huge slab of pork belly that I'm going to attempt to make into bacon. I'll post my progress on this once I pick up some "pink salt" (which may or may not be paleo, I'm not sure, but apparently it's needed to make homemade bacon).
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