L - 1/2c. meat sauce, 1.5c. spaghetti squash, 9 almonds (1.5P/1.5C/3F)
S - PB Larabar, 2oz. turkey breast (2P/2C/3F)
D - Chicken leg, 1c. brussel sprouts, 1/2 apple, 9 almonds, glass of red wine (4P/3.5C/3F)
S - 20oz. black coffee
Blocks = 10.5P/8C/13F
Carbs = 85g
Fat = 57g
Protein = 93g
Calories = 1,251
Wonderful article that I will need to reference if we ever get pregnant and have bratty kids (just kidding). Great article, though.
We got some pink salt in the mail today, so this weekend will be an attempt at making homemade bacon. Stay tuned for a play by play of it's success (or possibly failure!).
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