L - leftover chicken madras (1c.), 1c. broccoli, 1.5 carrots dipped in raita, 9 pecan halves (3P/2C/3F)
S - 1 cherry pie larabar, 2oz. turkey breast, 1 glass wine (2P/3C/4F)
D - 1/4lb. hamburger (1 egg, 1/2 small onion, garlic & tabasco), 1/4 small onion, 2tbs. salsa (4P/1C/0F)
S - 1 banana, 3oz. turkey breast (3P/3C)
Late night snack (too much wine) - 1/4lb. hamburger, 1/4 small onion (4P/0.25C)
Blocks = 19P/12.5C/11F
Carbs = 201g
Fat = 96g
Protein = 133g
Calories = 2,526
Once I started drinking wine.... the night went downhill with eating.
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